Monday, November 02, 2009

Halal. In praise of religious slaughter.

I think I might like this woman.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Princess Alia bint al-Hussein of Jordan, sister of the current monarch, has written to Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, questioning the validity of standards employed in the abattoirs to provide halal meat for the Middle East export markets.

Notably, she states that "killing without stunning is unnecessary under Islamic principles," and that her opinion is based on extensive talks with Islamic authorities, which I'll assume here are theologian or scholars rather than imams, mad clerics or those claiming to be in some way closer to a non-existent supernatural force because of retarded adherence to a book of captivating, murderous myths.

I'm not quite sure whether, given 21st century technology, the Old Testament deity would have supplied Abraham with a stun gun so Isaac might have suffered a more humane sacrifice at the hands of his other father. but hey, this isn't the the pre-EnlightenmentMiddle East: So what is the Australian government doing by allowing exemptions to federal animal slaughter guidelines to fulfil export contracts?

I commend Her Highness for bringing the Australian public's attention to the plight of such animals, though I reject the necessity to quote any religious authority in order to put forward a logical argument.

Mr Burke, Minister for Agriculture fearlessly affirms: "It is not for [the] Government to adjudicate over these differences, but it is our role within the spectrum of faiths in Australia to promote the most humane practices."

That appears to be the case unless in conflict with fantastical demands of worthless religious garbage. I demand that my government provide the most 'humane' death to all animals slaughtered for human consumption, and assert that religion has no say whatsoever in how these practises are determined.

It is the government's responsibility to ensure this. Religious expertise is not required here because religion has no role to play.

If the majority of Muslim countries accept the practice of stunning animals before slaughter, who exactly are we catering to here? The Saudis? I'd love to know more about these contracts.

Ministry of Agriculture, how would I like my steak? Atheist thanks - and hold the double standards.

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