This is the face of an exiled cat lover
He is not a criminal.
Man, Athens is splendid. Today I again overdosed on the wonders of Western cilivilisation and pondered for hours over the dedication required by some people to scratch around in the dirt for clues, for history, and for meaning.
I too have been scratching around for a little meaning, to my life, mostly giggling at my current absurd situation.
Today I received official notice that the Turkish Embassy in Belgrade is also unable to assist me further.
It's incredible how philosophical I've become. The same incident several years ago would undoubtedly led to the death of many. My rage would have been fierce, unlimited, vengeful. However, Turkey is now the cause of both my frustrating situation and present state of mind.
At least I can finally join the ranks of those who describe themselves as 'patient'.
The Feast of the Sacrifice had begun throughout the Muslim world and the very earliest I can return to Istanbul is after the expiration of another seven days. While everyone who's anyone will be out slaughtering an innocent animal in the name of Abraham, I'm stuck here with Souvlaki & Co. Still... I'm lovin' the Greeks.
But I must bid farewell to the Mediterranean and head for the Middle East proper. I'm going to try my luck in Dubai, and perhaps do a little duty free shopping while I'm at it. I could do with some clean undies.
Turkey, I am coming back. Your obstinacy is no match for mine. Besides, I'm pig-headed. You can quote me on that.Try as you might, but I'm coming back to my apartment and my cats. If you don't let me, I plan to make an international incident out of it. And you'd be best to avoid any negative press. I mean, you do still want to join Europe, right?
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