It's all about change
Nice one. Congratulations on your offer to study at the University of Technology of Sydney says my double-sided colour brochure.
Yesterday I received my offer of admission to undertake a Masters in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Life as I have known it for several years it about to change.
It's over three years since I departed Australia and aside from several temporary bouts of mild homesickness and constant self-flagellation at my inability to adapt to Istanbul's peculiarities, I want to stay. This city has an addictive charm that just will not break.
Thus it had become pressing to view the bigger picture.
Back to school.
I'm no longer young. I've had a checkered career which has kept responsibilities at greater than arm's length but that has perhaps not provided the self-fulfillment of which I currently feel in need. It's time to look up and think sharp. It's time to ponder life's direction. With the horns firmly in my grip, I intend to lead the bull onwards and upwards.
Teaching in Middle School has been the most rewarding experience to date. I hope never to tire of being in a classroom brimming with youthful energy and grinning naughtiness. However, I need to get more serious about what I'm doing and consider how good an educator I really hope to be.
A few months ago I became weary of administration. I realised I was becoming irritable and inflexible when dealing with paperwork, meetings and all the quite unnecessary evils that come with the modern education industry. Often I was at odds with what was being said but felt my opinions were nothing more than poorly thought-out, ill-timed and badly delivered diatribe that rarely did anything to empower me or my colleagues. There is a lot that is frustrating about teaching children. Adults are to blame for all of it.
In brief, if I want to remain in Turkey on a more permanent basis - and I do - then I need to think where I want to be in the next five years. I envisaged my travelling three months a year, working the other nine. I see a little apartment in my neighbourhood for which one day I will hold the title deeds, I'm imagining a summer house on the Mediterranean coast, I see a permanent household staff member.
My first step on the road to comfort is browsing the four-page Distant Student Enrolment Guide. Next, I'm going to have to say goodbye to shirt, tie, regular shaving and an equally reliable regular monthly income as I turn student once again and rely on an income source from private tuition.
There is much to accomplish over the next few weeks. And all of it will push my organisation skills to the limit. No doubt this issue will be featuring with great frequency in my head and on this blog.
I am feeling inspired once again. which is exactly what I needed.
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